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Monday, July 20, 2009

Amigurumi Project #2: Carrots

In order to prepare for an upcoming surprise for my other blog, Beauty and All That, I am making amigirumi carrots! They are adorable mini sized carrots (found the Lion Brand pattern on and my goal is to make as many as possible.

Why do I need so many? Here's a hint, it has something to do with Yes To Carrots! That is all I can say for now... but I just wanted to share my progress!

Here are some pictures..

This is the first completed carrot that I have made and given away. Since then, I have actually made 4 more! All of the carrots' sizes vary because I was experimenting with the width and height. Everyone that I have shown this to cannot recognize that it is a carrot. It is also a bit fat.. so I decided to make it a bit smaller. I have to say that my technique with making amigirumi has improved. The last two carrots I have made do not have any holes (yay) and I do not have to flip them inside out. (If you see in the first picture, you can see the tail of the string sticking out)

Next project.. DONUTS!

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