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Friday, July 10, 2009

Amigurumi Project #1- Pig

For my first attempt to make an Amigurumi doll, I will be making an adorable piggy. I did some research on patterns, ie: learning how to read the abbreviations, and also learning how to do the standard stitches. Luckily, for these types of dolls, you only need to know the basic "single crochet" stitch.

Things I used to help me with my doll:
1) The Pattern. I was looking for a very easy, simple pattern and I found a nice repository on You can make dogs, cats, turkeys, even fruit dolls with the patterns listed on their site. They sell yarn, crochet needles, and many other craft items for other things including jewelry beads and fabric for sewing. Check out their projects section to find Amigurumi patterns.

2) YouTube. Without YouTube, I wouldn't have found a great tutorial on how to start a basic crochet doll. It teaches you how to crochet in "rounds" which is the circular part of the doll's head or body. Do a quick search on "How to crochet amigurumi."

3) Yarn and crochet needle. (Obviously!) Without these two, you won't be able to make anything. Depending on the type of yarn you have (is it three/four strands?), you may have to use different needle sizes. For this project, I used a size G needle, and 100% acrylic yarn with 3 strands.

4) Patience is virtue.

Good luck on your own crochet projects!!

My progress:

Half-way done!

The body is completed!

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