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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Crochet Popsicle with Embroidery Floss

**I apologize for my lack of updates! I've been un-crafty lately and haven't really made anything this summer/fall. This project I did earlier in the summer, and I'm starting to get back in the grooove of things. *fingers crossed* Stay tuned to here or my other beauty blog for more updates!**

From the Amigurumi Sweets book that I purchased back in April, I made a popsicle that was about 1.5 inches tall! It's super cute and instead of using regular yarn, I used embroidery floss. From the Spool Knit Jewelry book, which came with a crochet hook that is used for string, I knew that this would be the perfect tool to use with such a thin crochet thread.

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