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Monday, June 8, 2009

Kawaii Japanese Clay Foods Project

After I found the cutest and tiniest food ever on Etsy (do a quick search on: Kawaii Japanese clay), I decided to make my own using polymer clay. They make great charms, cell phone accessories, and little decorations. They are less than an inch, even half an inch in height. I used Sculpey's Oven Bake Clay that I purchased in an art store- the 30 Color Sampler kit.

Found from inspirations from YouTube (they have some great videos online) I learned how to make a few cupcakes, cakes, and a wedding cake, inspired by the wedding I went to in May (read about it here.)

These clay food sculptures are not baked, so they are still soft and can be remolded, if I wish. Once I perfect my skills, I plan to make more cupcakes and other cute charms, to be available at Etsy and by request orders.

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